

Crank organ site Piet Paardekam

Website of Ian Dickinson with his 20/67 Höffle organ.

French crank organ site of Jack Paloque-Berges

German crank organs forum, especially for the Höffle crank organ

Website of Christian Dressel, German collegue hobbyist.

Website of Martin Kuhn from Switserland with detailled description of building a Höffle organ

Website of Hans Peters, collegue hobbyist

Australian Mechanical Organ Society

Hobby site of Ulrich Stille

Hobby site of René Walter

Johan de Vries - construction plan book crank organ

Crank organ builder Axel Stüber Berlin

Website Thomas Sterk for music rolls

Dirks projects

Association German home organ builders

Wood company for music instruments Arnhem

German calculation program for organ pipe measures

John Boersma home organl construction

Musicaldo, italian website of Aldo Laus

Website of Wolf Bluemich with detailled description of Höffle organ

American website of Bill Klinger

Merry go round music

Jean-Claude Germain, French collegue hobbyist